The Ace of Cups

Your first card is The Ace of Cups. 

I sense there is immense love pouring forth in this connection. 

Emotions are real and raw on both sides. I sense he may be drawn to you on a spiritual level – not just physically – but holds a deep affection over you .

It appears he wants to protect your heart, to be your comfort and support, but there is a distortion in his field. 

He may have issues interpreting your intentions correctly and could be prone to blowing things out of proportion. 

These oversized reactions likely stem from his upbringing, and the cards indicate he has some inner child work to do to help him take things more in stride.

I can see that both of you may put up defenses when feeling vulnerable. 

It feels safer to make assumptions rather than stay curious. Being defensive can trigger wounds from the past, leading to feelings of rejection and abandonment.

The question is: how to drop defenses and see each other’s hearts? Who will go first?

Emotions run high in deep love connections, but there must be safeguards to prevent a wildfire from ravaging your bond.

The King of Pentacles

Your next card is the King of Pentacles, my favorite King in the deck. 

This card reveals a mature and stable connection with a man who will feel as sturdy as a tree.

He is even-tempered, strong, and dependable.

He is wealth-minded and responsible, likely tall and attractive.

He will not boast or cause a scene. His taste is refined, and he approaches you with dignity and respect.

This is the man you can dream of and envision – one who can make you feel secure .

I sense this could be the evolution of your current connection if certain actions are considered.


There is an energy radiating from you that is tender & confused – as if someone you care for is behaving strangely…

I sense you are preoccupied with knowing where the two of you stand and want to help! 

You deserve relief about this – especially to relax and have peace of mind over him.

, if this message resonates with you, then keep reading

Before we proceed, pls find a place where you can be alone to absorb this special information.

Next. take a deep breath to get grounded and connect our energies

Here is your sacred transmission: 

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Two of Wands

Your last card is the Two of Wands, indicating he might be feeling at a crossroads and suffering over what to do.  

I must be frank – it appears as if there is a dark energy attempting to pull him away from you. 

The cards show he wants to resist but manipulation may be at hand. 

This is a sensitive situation and I believe getting to the bottom of it is the key to breaking this hold on him.

Never doubt that you absolutely deserve his full commitment and should remain hopeful to receive it .

Especially as I have a potent answer for special cases like this…

To help you release the grip on him and unlock the commitment you deserve, I recommend my powerful "Devotion Spell and Commitment Reading”

The Devotion spell is designed to clear away negative energy clouding your relationship & cut cords with outside parties that want to influence him. 

It works to trigger his undivided desire and devotion towards you, unlocking the commitment you deserve.

As an added benefit, your spell includes a detailed commitment reading to guide you to a more intimate connection with your person.

Your commitment reading will take a deep dive into his hidden desires. 

It includes vivid and delicate information about your connection & will help you understand what may be keeping him from fully committing to you… 

You’ll finally have a way to connect with him on a deeper, spiritual level – drawing him to you like a magnet.

Before we go further, please note, that this is NOT about breaking free will.

It is about clearing the negative hold that is creating a haze between you two. 

The signs are strong that he very WELL MAY BE your person, but there is an interference

Thankfully, you can do something about it . !

Tap below to take charge of your connection.

Yes, I want his full commitment!


Dahlia, and the Spiritual Society Team